Isn't It Time You Wrote a Book?

This is your first step.

What software should I use? What’s the difference between traditional, hybrid, and self-publishing? What does it mean to use descriptive language? How do you structure a fiction or nonfiction book? Is self-publishing difficult? If you’ve been confused about how to begin the process of writing a book, and how to have it published, this course was created just for you. It’s easy to understand and packed with information beginners want and need.

You Deserve Happiness and a Meaningful Life

You already possess everything you need to map your own life, but you might be unsure where or how to begin. I know, firsthand, what it’s like to have dreams in your heart. I know what it’s like to be filled with so much passion it feels like you’re going to explode—yet have no idea what the first steps are or how to take them. Honestly, it hurts like hell. You know you’re capable, and you wish you had someone to talk to about everything. Someone who has been there. That’s where I come in. For 20+ years, I’ve been a student of personal development, a dreamer and doer. During those years I made a lot of mistakes. I also learned a ton of things that helped me completely transform my life. For the past few years, I’ve lived my experiences in full view of the world via social media and my blog. I’ve shared the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. As a result, I regularly receive messages and emails from people seeking inspiration, motivation, and direction. I’ve helped as many as possible, but soon realized the demand was too great and answering every inquiry has been quite a challenge. In order to effectively help more people I created this mini course. If you’re ready to get to work and create the best life possible for yourself, tap the "I'm Ready!" button and we’ll get started right now.

Keith E. Smith

Keith is a nomadic writer and podcaster from Kentucky, currently traveling the United States. He is the author of six books, a freelance writer, and host of the Straight Up Living Podcast. His mission is to encourage others in the pursuit of their own dreams and a life of meaning. Being a self-taught writer, musician, and podcaster, he uses his own story as a way to encourage others to not allow perceived limitations to hold them back from achieving their dreams. In 2018, Keith experienced a radical reboot of his life. Determined to break the cycle of “crash and burn” that he had endured for years, he set out on a journey of self-transformation that included selling all of his possessions, quitting a job, and going out on the road in pursuit of his dreams and new life experiences. He travels the United States, his car filled with his few remaining material possessions, and shares his experiences via his writing, speaking, social media, podcast, and his blog at


  • Hannah Lee Jones | Nomad | Poet | Spiritual Mentor, says. . .

    Keith's approach to transformation is a unique combination of honest reflection and fiery can-do. In two years of video texting with him I navigated some changes in my life which gutted me and threatened to take me off my personal mission. With both humor and firmness Keith has always helped me to identify the ways I hold myself back, but more importantly he helps me to see me as I CAN be, both as a human being and as a creative individual trying to express my unique talents in the world. And his medicine is self-tested: he's seen the darkness himself and has returned from it with fire to share. If you're done being small with your creativity and are ready for the fiery blaze of truly making your gifts visible, he's your man.

  • Sylvia Marusyk | B.A., OT | Intnl Speaker | Founder Mindbody Works, says. . .

    Keith has been an excellent coach and mentor, helping me organize my thoughts and giving me fantastic advice on assembling and wording my recently published book. He truly understands the challenges of taking thoughts, ideas, and experiences, and turning them into something of value—not just for you but for others too. Keith is not only gifted as a writer, but also a teacher. If he could help me write a book, he could help anyone. Your story matters! Keith can help you to share it.

  • Candice Bakx-Friesen| Certified Money Coach | Intnl Speaker | Founder Investor Smarts, says. . .

    Keith is exceptional at helping me write books. I am successful in many parts of my life, but writing a book was not something I felt confident about doing. Keith has a special way of encouraging you and helping you believe in yourself. I believe everyone has a story to share. Maybe it's a life story you want your kids or grandkids to know—your legacy. Maybe you want to write fiction and entertain adults or kids. And maybe you want to teach the world life lessons you have learned. Get your story on paper before it's too late! Reach out to Keith, have the accountability and motivation you need to get this project done, and become an author in 2023! You won't regret working with Keith.

  • Marcelle Charrois | Intuitive Success Coach | Empath Empowerment Facilitator, says. . .

    I loved the course, YOU Can Write a Book and and completed the whole thing in one night! Overall, I found the course quite comprehensive and enjoyable to walk through. It was just enough I think for a beginner to get them writing and going for their dream of writing a book without being overwhelming. I even learned a few things I wasn't familiar with like the “W” plot method of structuring fiction books! I really loved the introduction video. It was very engaging and inspiring as Keith shared his own journey. It definitely stirred up the juices in me to want to write again. I really like how he outlined simple steps, FAQs, and insights for the different aspects of the book writing and publishing process. The PDF's were great! They had just enough information and a few visuals to make the content come alive. The video entitled, “When Can You Say, "I am a writer?” was a key encouragement piece as many writers have experienced nay-sayers and critics that may have shut them down in the past. It’s great to know that Keith has the beginner’s best interest at heart and that he’s rooting for them all the way! His delivery really shows it comes from the heart and is authentic.